Trashumanist battle for the space race


Fourth Floor is a platform that produces commentary on interrelated themes and champions promising creatives. We push stories and people that are novel, innovative, and under-reported.

Why are we here?

We believe that there is a big space for high-quality independent commentary.

We are passionate about a range of themes and tie them together under one platform. We combine this with working with creatives doing interesting work in their fields. Bringing these together, we aim to be a hub of creativity and curiousity for everyone that engages in Fourth Floor.


Contributions are presented as articles, interviews, mixes, and through live events. Work can be classified within one or a combination of the themes of Arts, Culture, Sport, & Society.   


  • Founded in London but work globally.

  • We are currently taking online submissions! Please check our submissions page for more details.

  • Please email us with your resume.

  • We are a self-funded platform and at this time cannot pay our contributors.